Friday 15 July 2016

Natural Skin Cares this Monsoon

Monsoon, one of the most romantic season comes with its fair share of drawbacks. Our immunity level is low during this time, making our body susceptible to several diseases. Stomach problems, respiratory issues, common cough and cold are regular affairs. In fact our skin undergoes changes too. Acne, rashes, summer boils are quite common during this time. Hence, it becomes vital that you take care of your skin.
What are the best skin care tips for this rainy season?
Summer has already damaged our skin by now. Tans, sunburns are quite common. Monsoon relieves us of the hot and humid weather but infections become common. So today, we are going to discuss some skin care tips for the monsoons as per the skin type.

Dry Skin Type:      

Lack of vitamins leads to dry skin that becomes flaky in the long run. Dry skin is dehydrated and hence it lacks its natural shine and glow. And this becomes worse during the monsoons. So how do you handle this? Don’t worry, there are some easy, simple tips that you can follow to improve your skin quality:
·       You need to drink as much water as possible. Water consumption improves the quality of the skin because it helps to flush out the toxins.

·       Go for Natural skin care products. The market is flooded with good cleaners that you can use to wipe out the dirt and grime. 
    Try out organic deep cleansing lotion from MyReen Young.

·       Use a good moisturizer to moisturize the skin frequently. It is best if you need to apply the cream at night time when the skin is breathing. As a result you will end with soft, supple skin.

·       Don’t use toners that have alcohol in it.

Oily skin type:                  

Hormonal change is one of the major reasons why you have oily skin. It is not possible to change the hormone structure of your body but small yet significant steps can change the way how your skin feels and reacts.
·       We recommend that you wash your face at least 3 to 4 times every day in order to get rid of excess oil from your face. Use a mild face wash.

·       Opt for facial scrubs that help to get rid of dirt and grime by helping to unclog the pores. Moreover scrubs help to exfoliate the dead skin and bring out your natural glow.

·       Do not use any products that use chemicals in them.

·       You can also go for home made chick pea flour face mask. Add milk and lemon to it so that when you wash it off; your skin looks and feels fresh and glowing.

·       If you don’t have any issue, replace cold water with luke warm water to clean your face. Luke warm water helps to dissolve the excess oil from your face easily.

Combination skin type:              

All those of you who have a combination skin need to take extra care. You have both dry and oily skin. You need to moisturize it well and get rid of the excess oil as well. Simple steps include:
·       Wash your face 3 times a day with a mild face wash.

·       Avoid using heavy cosmetics that clogs the pores. Always let your skin breathe.

·       Use Natural skin care products that help to maintain the Ph balance of your skin.

·       Drink lots of water and green leafy vegetables.

·       And finally don’t forget to apply a good moisturizer at night before you go to sleep. Organic alpine rose stem cell is a must try.
Follow these small yet significant steps, to notice the difference. Monsoons can be harsh for your skin if you don’t take proper care of it.
For more details please visit

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