Wednesday 12 October 2016

5 Ways to Say YES to Green Beauty Products

If we talk about average women everyday skin care routine, then we will see that most of them use mix of different brands and products on their face and more likely they are exposed to many chemicals unknowingly. Though the companies claim that they use very less percentage of chemicals, but continuous rubs, sprays, lathers can cause harm your skin elasticity in the long run. If you love make up, then you need to take great precaution of your skin. Now, through this article you will get to know how to avoid the skin care products that are manufactured with unhealthy ingredients.

Simple- Ah! These cosmetic range advertisements, they are so attractive with different themes that girls fall for those products and buy them without knowing the proper ingredients of the product.  Do not go for fancy skincare rather keep it simple with basic cleanser, toner and moisturizer with all green and chemical free products, which we name as organic skincare products.

Natural means natural- When you are looking for organic product, then you must look for the natural ingredients that are used in the product. Then only, you will get the actual beauty perfection. Your skin will glow and it will restrain the skin elasticity and make you look ageless even if you are in your 40s.

Fragrance is complete NO- When you get a skin care product with fragrance, then you will understand that they are chemically reacted and it only give you better smell but actually doing harm in your skin. Green skincare products do not have extra smell rather you will get intense smell of each ingredient used in the product.

DIY green skincare products- Apart from buying organic beauty products, you can also make green beauty skincare product at home like face mask, toner, lip balm and many more. This is more natural, intense and good for your skin and beauty.

Stay healthy- To get the original glow of the skin, you not only use organic products for skincare, but you need to have a balanced diet and regular exercises with lots of water. It will help you reduce the toxins from the body and make you look fresh and beautiful.

So, do not fall out for chemically enhanced beauty products and shift to organic products that are soft, smooth and beautiful.  

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