Thursday 24 November 2016

What Factors to Remember Before You Buy Organic Night Cream?

Skin passes through lots of pollution, dirt and roughness all day long. Heavy makeups on a regular basis also make the skin tired. So, after returning from work special care of skin is must to keep it lively, smooth and wrinkle free. Apart from drinking water and healthy eating habits, there are certain things at home that one should do to keep the skin glow. At night, after removing your makeup, it is mandatory to clean your face and then apply night cream. This night creams are a daily dose of your skin and enhance the inner beauty.

Choosing a right night cream is very vital for your skin and you need to focus on age, skin type and the ingredients in the cream.

Age- The choice of night cream depends on your age. If you are in your 20s, then the cream will be different from the 40s skin. So, choose the cream wisely.

Skin Type- There are different skin types like dry, sensitive, oily and normal skin and as per your skin choose the night cream.

Ingredients- Correctly choose the ingredients because some ingredients in the cream may be allergic on your skin. So, read the ingredients on the bottle body and check whether all the ingredients suit you or not.

How to Apply Night Cream?

1. Remove the makeup with makeup removal lotion.
2. Splash water on your face.
3. Clean the face with organic face wash.
4. Pat dry with clean face towel.
5. Apply organic night cream in an upward circular motion.
6. Apply the cream on the neck area to remove early aging lines.
7. Apply the cream half an hour before going to bed.

These creams really work blast during sleep time. Give your skin a touch of smoothness and keep you young and fresh.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

5 Tips for Pregnancy Skin Care

Pregnancy is an important period in the life of a woman. It is a time when the woman is happy about the baby who will fill her life with joy and happiness. It is also the time when proper care needs to be taken by the lady so that the skin does not get damaged. Organic pregnancy skincare must be then kept on the mind by the ladies so as to take proper care of the skin during this time.

Daily Skin Care

One must take care of the skin on a daily basis during this time. Cleaning, toning and moisturizing the skin must be done daily to give the skin a natural glow. This enables one to keep the skin free from acne, fine lines and age spots. The skin also recovers fast after the pregnancy and do not age so quickly. Cleaning and moisturizing the face before you go to sleep and then putting on the moisturizing cream will help you to maintain the gorgeous look.

Eat Well

How much you look is also responsible on what you eat. When you are pregnant, the diet must contain all food groups. Staying away from alcohol, sugar and high amounts of salt is good for you. Instead one must consume low sweet containing fruit juices, salads containing tomato, cabbage, lettuce, apples, walnut and so on. These not only give the mother and the child nutrition but also keep the skin hydrated and give a good glow. This is indeed a good way of organic pregnancy skincare regime. Following the instruction of the doctor is also a good idea.
Water Consumption

Many people often drink less water as that makes them urinate more during pregnancy. But water helps in keeping the skin healthy and also free from blemishes. One can also drink two or three cups of green tea too. Green tea has high amounts of anti-oxidants which are of immense benefit to the skin.

Exercise in Moderate Amount

Exercising in moderate amounts is essential when one is pregnant. One will not be able to intense workout during the time but moderate amount of exercise is good. Yoga, thirty minutes of walk are simple exercises that one can do during this time. Exercise helps one to sweat and eliminate toxins from the body. This enables in increasing the blood flow and ensures that the skin looks healthy.

Stay Away from Make-up

It is wise to stay away from make-up during pregnancy. The skin changes much due to the changes in the level of the hormones. Besides one feels lazy and often do not feel like removing the makeup. That causes damage to the skin. Light, water based make up can be tried as they can be removed quickly.

Therefore these are some organic pregnancy skincare tips that one can keep in mind to help in maintaining the skin in a good way. 

Friday 4 November 2016

6 Benefits of Organic Face Night Cream During Winter

Winters are really dry and our skin tends to dry very quickly. We cannot even avoid going out and this result in more dryness. Pollution, dirt and makeup make our skin dry and flakes on the skin are common. It is a story of every girl on a daily basis. At night, the skin feels tired and the next morning it becomes dull. What to do? How to take care of face skin during winter? Well, the answer to all these questions is the use of night cream. It is a specialized cream only made for night and it works well when you go to sleep.

After an entire day rush, when you remove the makeup and wash your face with face wash, you need to feed your face with a good and enrich night cream so that it gets easily absorbed and next morning you feel fresh and active. It also reduces wrinkles, aging signs and makes your skin soft and helps your face to breathe properly. So, it has many benefits and you will know the benefits in the following points:

1. It reduces the sensitiveness on the skin which appears due to the pollution, exposure to the sun, dirt and makeup.

2. It is best used at night after the removal of makeup because these creams contain anti-aging and vitamins properties, which nourishes the skin.

3. At night the face skin has higher percentage to absorb the ingredients present in the cream that is why it is useful to apply at night before going to bed.

4. Using the night cream nourishes your skin and deeply takes action perfectly and gives you a supple feeling in the morning.

5. It also repair skin elasticity and controls all the breakouts and it will keep the face active, fresh and beautiful.

6. It improves the blood circulation and regenerates the skin cells. It also keeps the skin hydrated and control pimple and acne problem.

Now that you come to know the benefits of night cream, you can use organic face night cream because it has no chemical and are paraben free. You need to use organic night cream daily to get strong result.