Wednesday 16 November 2016

5 Tips for Pregnancy Skin Care

Pregnancy is an important period in the life of a woman. It is a time when the woman is happy about the baby who will fill her life with joy and happiness. It is also the time when proper care needs to be taken by the lady so that the skin does not get damaged. Organic pregnancy skincare must be then kept on the mind by the ladies so as to take proper care of the skin during this time.

Daily Skin Care

One must take care of the skin on a daily basis during this time. Cleaning, toning and moisturizing the skin must be done daily to give the skin a natural glow. This enables one to keep the skin free from acne, fine lines and age spots. The skin also recovers fast after the pregnancy and do not age so quickly. Cleaning and moisturizing the face before you go to sleep and then putting on the moisturizing cream will help you to maintain the gorgeous look.

Eat Well

How much you look is also responsible on what you eat. When you are pregnant, the diet must contain all food groups. Staying away from alcohol, sugar and high amounts of salt is good for you. Instead one must consume low sweet containing fruit juices, salads containing tomato, cabbage, lettuce, apples, walnut and so on. These not only give the mother and the child nutrition but also keep the skin hydrated and give a good glow. This is indeed a good way of organic pregnancy skincare regime. Following the instruction of the doctor is also a good idea.
Water Consumption

Many people often drink less water as that makes them urinate more during pregnancy. But water helps in keeping the skin healthy and also free from blemishes. One can also drink two or three cups of green tea too. Green tea has high amounts of anti-oxidants which are of immense benefit to the skin.

Exercise in Moderate Amount

Exercising in moderate amounts is essential when one is pregnant. One will not be able to intense workout during the time but moderate amount of exercise is good. Yoga, thirty minutes of walk are simple exercises that one can do during this time. Exercise helps one to sweat and eliminate toxins from the body. This enables in increasing the blood flow and ensures that the skin looks healthy.

Stay Away from Make-up

It is wise to stay away from make-up during pregnancy. The skin changes much due to the changes in the level of the hormones. Besides one feels lazy and often do not feel like removing the makeup. That causes damage to the skin. Light, water based make up can be tried as they can be removed quickly.

Therefore these are some organic pregnancy skincare tips that one can keep in mind to help in maintaining the skin in a good way. 

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